My story.
Life with a new baby was hard. Even with my medical training, I was ill-prepared and unsure of myself. Throw some sleep deprivation into the mix and I was completely overwhelmed.
Everyone around me had their own version of advice and I was constantly bombarded with different people's opinions. Not only that, but often the advice they gave contradicted the advice someone else had given me! I barely knew who and what to trust, my intuition was non-existent and I second guessed myself about everything.
When I returned to my work as a medical doctor after maternity leave I decided to complete my training as a Lactation Consultant so that I could help other new parents and hopefully prevent them from feeling as overwhelmed as I had.

My 'why'.
As a General Practitioner and Lactation Consultant, every time I worked with new families I could see that so much of what parents worried about was actually normal. Normal newborn behaviour, normal breastfeeding physiology, normal worries and anxieties. And so many people who stood to make a profit out of making parents think something was wrong with their baby preyed on these worries. I'd had enough and decided that I had seen too many parents breastfeeding and parenting journeys sabotaged by receiving bad advice from people they should have been able to trust.
So I did something about it, and MORE THAN MILK online courses were born. Designed to empower you, build your confidence and help you to feel like the expert you are when it comes to your baby.
Want to know how you can work with me?
Yes please!Trust is important.
With all the information out there online, it's important that you know you're able to trust my teaching.

General Practitioner
Not only am I a mum myself- I'm also a doctor qualified in General Practice. Taking care of families through out their life span is what I specialise in!
You can feel safe knowing that I am registered with the Australian Health Practitioners Regulation Agency and maintain my knowledge by engaging in continuing professional development regularly.

Board Certified Lactation Consultant
I worked hard for this qualification because I knew that parents deserved advice that they could trust around feeding their baby. Someone free of any industry bias who just wants you to achieve what ever goals you set for yourself when it comes to breastfeeding.

Meditation Teacher
As a qualified meditation teacher I love nothing more than teaching the skills of mindfulness to people. By trusting a teacher who is registered with Meditation Australia you can relax knowing that you will be fully supported and guided to learn more about meditation and mindfulness by an accredited professional.
Why work with me?
Because I am passionate about changing the way we care for families. Even as a doctor I was totally ill prepared when I had my first baby because I had no understanding of how my body worked to make milk. Crazy isn't it?
The sad reality is though that most health professionals get very little training at all on the process of lactation. There's even fewer who are able to holistically understand not just lactation (making breastmilk) but also the physical and mental health of parents and children. Fewer again who have the skills to also assist people with mastering the skills of mindfulness- that are proven to help not only with issues like stress and anxiety management but also in improving our performance as we learn and grow.
I have slowly and purposefully pursued qualifications and training that span not only health and clinical medicine, but also breastfeeding, mental health and mindfulness, yoga and meditation to be able to share these with you. My goal in creating these courses is to bring together all of these elements and deliver them skilfully and holistically- just the right amount of information, no bias, none of the pressure to buy a certain baby product or brand of formula.
My only focus is the health and wellbeing of you and your family.